Practical Wireless Magazine juni 2024 finns nu att läsa i klubblokalen.

What's in this issue?

Keylines: Don covers club activities, the George Dobbs transceiver project and the PW 144MHz contest.
The G3RJV SCD QRP Transceiver Revisited, Part 3: Steve Hartley G0FUW continues the project by describing the receiver.
Twice the Fun: Georg Wiessala checks out the SDRplay RSP1B and the Stampfl STRESSLESS.
Take 20: Steve Macdonald G4AQB offers a simple-to-build project based on low-cost modules.
Antennas: Keith Rawlings G4MIU this month drifts off amateur radio antennas to a historical incident that happened in the Pacific in WWII where what he initially assumed to be an omnidirectional antenna was used for direction finding.
Data Modes: Mike Richards G4WNC highlights the real-time clock in the Pi 5, takes the Si5351 clock oscillator to the next level, a new SDR Sharp and covers VarAC’s translation facilities.
Amateur Radio on a Budget: Daimon Tilley G4USI describes a simple yet highly effective transmitter design, built in a matchbox, as well as take a look at a recent addition to his shack, a 1984 vintage Yaesu FT-77S, 10 watt HF transceiver.
HF Highlights: Steve Telenius-Lowe G4JVG looks back at a month of significant DX activity and forward to what we can expect during the month to come.
A 160 and 60m Antenna for the Small(ish) Garden: “160 metres: you need acres of land to operate on 160!” Not so: while no efficient 160m antenna can be said to be truly small, this one is smaller than most and will fit into many a suburban plot. What’s more, it performs well on 60m too! So says Steve Telenius-Lowe G4JVG.
What Next: Colin Redwood G6MXL looks at the Spanish QDure print-on-demand QSL card service.
The World of VHF: Tim Kirby GW4VXE has news of some interesting experiments on the 2m band.
The Morse Mode: Roger Cooke G3LDI has a miscellany of Morse keys and paddles to talk about this month.
Vintage Television & Radio: Keith Hamer and Garry Smith continue the special series looking back at the BBC’s coverage of Coronations since 1937. There is also a vintage Coronation radiogram advertisement from the archives. There are more unique details about Roland Pièce, the pioneer of Swiss radio broadcasts. The series charting the rise and fall of BBC 198kHz corrects earlier official BBC statements about long-wave transmissions. The series describing the early years of BBC-2 jumps forwards with two kangaroos. They also continue the series about the development of Swiss Radio and Television since 1922. 
The 41st Annual Practical Wireless 144MHz QRP Contest: Colin Redwood G6MXL, our QRP Contest adjudicator, introduces the 2024 event, which takes place on Sunday 9 June 2024.
A beginners guide to the Arduino IDE culminating in a single band WSPR beacon, Part 2: Colin Campbell MM5AGM completes the design and build of an Arduino-based WSPR beacon, starting with the addition of the real-time clock.
Readers’ Letters: This month’s Letters cover CEPT licensing, radio equipment of WW2, clubs and repurposing power supplies.

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