Då kan jag varmt rekommendera boken the Victorian Internet författad av Tom Standage. Här är en kort presentation:
Before the Internet (Interconnected networks), before the television, radio and telephone there was the telegraph...
In the middle of Queen Victoria`s reign this new communications technology annihilated distance and shrank the world faster than ever before. The international telegraph network revolutionised business practice and gave rise to new forms of crime. Romances blossomed over its cables. Governments tried and failed to regulate it. Meanwhile, out on the wires, a technological subculture with its own customs and vocabulary was establishing itself. Does all this sound familiar...?
This is the story of the men and women who were the earliest pioneers of the on-line frontier, and the global network they created - a network that was in effect the Victorian Internet.
Mycket mera finnas att läsa om du googlar med bokens titel. Ett exemplar finns på stadsbiblioteket när jag inom kort återlämnar det. Det finns även ett exemplar på universitetsbiblioteket.
Läs och begrunda!
SM2BJS, Bertil
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