Practical Wireless Magazine juli 2024 finns nu att läsa i klubblokalen.

What's in this issue?

Keylines: Don is talking about magnetic loop antennas.

Review: Alpha Delta Switches
Richard Constantine G3UGF considers the pros and cons of spending more (or less) on antenna switches.

Review: Alex Loop Hampack
Richard Constantine G3UGF checks out the Amazing Alex Loop Hampack plus the all-new RC-2 motor upgrade. 

Valve & Vintage
Bernard Nock G4BXD introduces readers to a little-known variant of the popular HRO receiver.

The G3RJV SCD QRP Transceiver Revisited, Part 4
Steve Hartley G0FUW continues the build, with circuits to enable your transmitter and receiver to interwork.

Data Modes 
Mike Richards G4WNC has a significant new release of VarAC and a look at a dedicated operating system for SDRs.

Vintage Television & Radio
Keith Hamer and Garry Smith continue looking back at the BBC’s coverage of Coronations since 1937. Also featured are reminiscences from a PW reader who worked at Ekco, a Coronation vintage television advertisement, more about the Swiss radio pioneer Roland Pièce, the rise and fall of BBC 198kHz, the series marking 60 years of BBC-2, and the development of Swiss Radio and Television since 1922.

HF Highlights
Steve Telenius-Lowe G4JVG has all the month’s HF news but starts with news of the closing down on MFJ (and see also our News pages).

Book Review
David Harris reviews a book that looks at the development of online (internet) radio.

PHaRLAP - HF laboratory between heaven and earth
Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK describes PHarLAP, which he considers is the HF laboratory among all propagation prediction programs.

Keith Rawlings G4MIU gets his hands on the latest version of AN-SOF and puts it through its paces.

My New Magnetic Loop Approach
Maurice Webb GW0UGQ continues his experiments with magnetic loop antennas.

The World of VHF
Tim Kirby GW4VXE reports that the recent aurora, visible across most of the UK, brought some great propagation to the VHF bands.

The Digital TuneAid
Andrew Woodfield ZL2PD describes a precise 1kHz sinewave test oscillator.

The Face behind the Call
Roger Dowling G3NKH meets Martin Charman G4FKK, the current chair of the British Amateur Television Club (BATC).

Locate a rally or event near you; we have our usual comprehensive list.

Readers’ Letters
This month’s Letters cover licensing, German radios of WWII and a club project to build our QRP transceiver.